Laboratory Services
Phone: 308.761.1400
Fax: 308.762.5481
Box Butte General Laboratory is an essential resource for area health care providers in providing excellent healthcare in the community. Our state-of-the-art instruments enable our staff to provide high quality testing in a timely manner. We also hold screenings and "Health Fairs" on the job or in the community that can be key in promoting healthy lifestyles.
Drug testing
Urine & Hair Drug Collections
Comprehensive Lab Regime
如在日常办公时间前来,无须预约. 如有特殊检查或特殊情况,可在上述时间以外的时间预约. 需要抽血或其他检查的患者必须先在招生处登记, 位于医院的主要大厅. 避免不必要的延误, please be sure to bring your health care provider's order with the diagnosis and have your insurance card with you.
患者应禁食12-14小时进行血脂或甘油三酯检测. 如果需要禁食,IM电竞App官网建议你多喝水以避免脱水. (不允许使用其他饮料.)
A Useful link that provides information to help you understand your lab tests can be found here:
BBGH Laboratory is accredited by The Joint Commission to ensure a high standard of care for the laboratory's customers.