Box Butte总医院's 有氧运动康复 staff is dedicated to helping patients who have cardiac diseases to adopt a healthier lifestyle. IM电竞App官网提供医学监督下的锻炼, 个性化风险因素管理, 治疗依从性监测和教育.
The Department is located in the 康复中心 and 健康中心, which is on the northeast side of campus. 停车场位于大楼后面.
Our 有氧运动康复 program helps individuals recover from a variety of heart events through a medically supervised regime of exercise and education that helps improve overall physical, 心理和社会功能.
如果以下情况适用于你, we would urge you to talk to your medical provider to see if you qualify for 有氧运动康复.
- 从心脏病发作中恢复过来
- 从心脏搭桥手术、瓣膜手术或心脏移植手术中恢复
- 诊断为心绞痛(稳定的心脏疼痛)
- 冠状动脉成形术后恢复
- 支架置入后恢复
坚持一个月,每天尝试这些方法中的一个, 然后保持这种势头,让你最喜欢的成为你日常生活的一部分.