随着COVID-19形势的不断变化, BBGH正在积极努力保持运营尽可能有效和安全. 保持最新的准确信息从 CDC website. 这是BBGH找到与公众共享的所有信息的地方.
Guidelines to the public:
- 必要时去急诊室.
- 勤洗手,咳嗽时用肘部捂住,避免触摸脸部.
- Socially distance. 保护那些可能不那么容易康复的人.
- Wear a mask in public (make your own here).
- Follow Nebraska's Directed Health Measures.
- 查找有关COVID-19疫苗的常见问题 here.
- Sign up to receive the vaccine here. 在这个狭长地带,年满12岁的人都可以接种疫苗. 任何想要接种疫苗的人都可以在 http://vaccinate.ne.gov/. 全球导航卫星系统每周二提供疫苗接种. 联盟的所有药房现在都承担了联盟的大部分预约, 以及提供疫苗接种的联盟儿童诊所! Links can be found at www.pphd.org on the home page.
Get the latest news from BBGH here.
For 55+
- Older adults are at higher risk
- 有严重潜在疾病的人,如:心脏病, lung disease, and diabetes are at higher risk
- Protect yourself. Clean and disinfect frequently.
For Parents:
- Create a plan of action, contact your neighbors, 创建一个可以帮助你的企业或组织的列表, create an emergency contact list, 在房子里选择一个房间来指定生病的家庭成员.
- 清洁和消毒经常接触的表面,如:门把手, light switches, desks, toilets, 装有家用清洁剂的水槽有助于减少细菌的传播.
- Wash drinking glasses after single use, 在单独的区域喂那些生病的人, 病人扔完垃圾或洗完衣服后应立即洗手.
Managing mental health:
If you, or someone you care about, 是否感到被悲伤等情绪淹没, depression, or anxiety, 或感觉想要伤害自己或他人,请拨打911或物质滥用和精神健康服务管理局(SAMHSA)的灾难求助热线:1-800-985-5990或发短信TalkWithUs至66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517).
Things you can do to support yourself:
- 从观看、阅读或收听新闻报道中休息一下,包括社交媒体. 反复听到大流行的消息可能会令人不安.
- Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and avoid alcohol and drugs.
- Make time to unwind. 试着做一些你喜欢的其他活动.
- Connect with others. 和你信任的人谈谈你的担忧和感受.
- 如果压力连续几天妨碍你的日常活动,打电话给你的医疗保健提供者.
Virtually workout with Rehab & Wellness Center Fitness Instructor Sue.